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Images of יהודיות

2329 photos
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sefer torah
graphic illustration of kipa, besomim,shofar
an open megilas esther with stretched lettering
a table for seder night
hand matzos for pesach
the simanim of rosh hashana on a table
a leather bound set of the five chumashim
the seder plate with simanim of the seder
silhouette of two jewish peqple
shana tova logo
a close-up of the simanim for seder night
a peace of talis
   honey pouring into jug
a shofar, a siddur and a tzedaka box
apple and honey
a chumash bereishis - mikraos gedolos
apple dipped in honey
   honey in a jar
a roasted chicken wing for the seder plate
a piece of horseradish for the seder plate
eight chanuka lights on a window-sill with a jug of olive oil and two dreidels
a plate of charoses for the seder plate
radishes for the seder plate
a haddaga shel pesach on a white background
shana tova umetuka: letters made of honey
honey pouring on an apple
a pomegranate with its seeds on a polished mahogany background
the seder plate with simanim of the seder
a chumash shemos - mikraos gedolos
apple and honey
honey pouring on an apple
a photo of the wailing wall
Menorah with no background with olive oil
a fresh pomegranate on a white background
a silver and wood seder plate
a roasted egg for the seder plate
honey pouring on an apple
a haddaga shel pesach on a white background
honey pouring on an apple
   honey in a jar
a chumash vayikra - mikraos gedolos
hand matzos for pesach
hand matzos for pesach in the seder plate
hand matzos for pesach
Pouring wine
hand matzos for pesach
of 47