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Images of Holy places

2159 photos
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The tomb of the holy Tanna Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai on Mount Meron in  the Galilee during sunset
A family watches the Meron Mountains from the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
In the ancient synagogue in Safed stands this unique aron hakodesh
Below Mount Meron point to the tomb of the Amora Rav Manona Saba.
Towards sunset, the wall of the Old City of Jerusalem
In the huge cemetery in Beit She'arim, Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi and his family are buried alongside thousands of Jews. In the cave there are 135 closets, and it is one of dozens in the area.
Prayer in Meron
The ancient synagoge of the Arizal
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
Prayer in Meron
of 44