Picjew is a site which was create in order to be of assistance to the world of graphics, advertising and other visual media fields – by selling pictures with Jewish-Israeli themes of high quality.
If you are interested to participate in this special project, to publish your creations and market the photos you took, through us – the way to do so is quite easy, under the conditions written in this document. By uploading your pictures to our site, you automatically give your complete consent to the conditions of this business offer, and to the terms of use of this site,
Right after the registration with the site, the photographer or artist shall send 3 examples of his work to the administration of the site and get approval to enter his pictures to the site.
The photographers and artists shall enter their pictures to the site by themselves and attach for as many tags as possible for each picture. This should be done in order to help to find it easily in the search engine and to enlarge the chance of selling the picture. Examples can be seen in the pictures belonging to the site.
It's quite easy; you can get instructions by phone from the administration of the site.
The photographer or artist is obliged to upload only pictures fitting the character of the site, aiming at the religious / Chareidi public. No pictures showing women are to be entered and under no circumstances pictures connected in any way with another religions.
The price of a picture at the site is NIS 39
The compensation for sold pictures shall be transferred to the photographers and artists once a month on a fixed date according to a tax bill or receipt, if not determined otherwise through the administration of the site.
The photographers and artists shall have at any time the possibility to check which of their pictures were sold and at which date and all the other particulars connected with their pictures.
The photographer's and artist's copyrights of the pictures are safeguarded by him, but by uploading his pictures to the site, they give their automatic agreement to the use of their pictures after its purchase through the site – being printed and advertised, in books and in newspapers etc. The photographers and artists shall have the right to publish their pictures at other sites too, and to use them otherwise, except if he decides (with an agreement on both sides) to sign an exclusivity clause for a certain period of time for any special picture.
After uploading his pictures to the site the photographer or artist is obliged to leave them on the site for at least 3 month.
The staff of the "Picjew" site has the right to remove any picture from the site, if they decides that is does not fit the frame of the site.